miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Lección 12: The future simple

Will + infinitivo sin to

AFFIRMATIVE.                NEGATIVE                     QUESTION
I will play.                   I will not/won't play                  Will I play?
You will play.             You will not/won't play              Will you play?
He/she/it will play       He/she/it will not/won't play        Will he/she/it play?

We will play               We will not/won't play               Will we play?  
You will play              You will not/won't play              Will you play?
They will play.            They will not/won't play             Will they play?

*Para expresar decisiones hechas en el momento en que se habla. Yo cogeré el telefono. I will pick up the phone.
*Para hacer predicciones, promesas y ofertas. It will rain. Lloverá.
* Hablar de acontecimientos programados para el futuro.  I will go to the gym tomorrow. Iré al gym mañana.


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