domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Lección 13: Going to


is/ are + going to+ infinitivo sin to

Ej: It is going to rain.

AFFIRMATIVE                      NEGATIVE                           QUESTIONS

I am going to play                    I am not going to play                       Am I going to play?
You are going to play              You are not/aren't going to play         Are you going to play?
He/she/it is going to play          He/she/ it is not/ isn't going to play     Is he/she/It going to play?

We are going to play              We are not/aren't going to play          Are we going to play?
You are going to play             You are not/ aren't going to play        Are you going to play?
They are going to play            They are not/aren't going to play        A re they going to play?


  • Predicciones basadas en pruebas o evidencias del presente. It's very cloudy. It's going to rain.--> Está muy nublado. Va a llover.
  • Planes o intenciones de futuro que estan planeadas ya y por lo tanto es seguro que ocurriran. I'm going to London next year.--> Voy a ir a Londres el año que viene (es seguro porque  ya he comprado los billetes, por ejemplo).

PRÓXIMA LECCIÓN: Future continuous.

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