viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013

Lección 6: Verbs. The past simple and the past continuous.

The past simple

Regular verbs add -ed and irregular ones present their own forms.

POSITIVE                             NEGATIVE                        QUESTIONS

I   cleaned                           I   did not/didn't clean                    Did I clean?
You   cleaned                     You   did not/didn't clean               Did you clean?
He/She/It   cleaned             He/She/It   did not/didn't clean       Did he/she/it clean?

We   cleaned                     We   did not/didn't clean                 Did we clean?
You   cleaned                    You   did not/didn't clean                Did you clean?
They   cleaned                   They   did not/didn't clean               Did they clean?


  • Describing actions completed in the past.
  • Describing actions completed that happened in a specific moment in the past.
  • Describing the conclusion of actions in the past.
  • Describing specific actions that happend while ther was another one happening.

  • Verbs ending in e, add -d : love--> loved
  • Verbs ending in y preceded by consonant, change to i and add -ed: carry--> carried
  • One-syllable verbs ending in one consonant preceded by one vowel, double the consonant and add -ed: clap--> clapped
  • Verbs where the last syllable is stressed, double the final consonant and add -ed: submit--> submitted
  • Verbs ending in one vowel and l, double the l and add -ed: travel--> travelled

The past continuous

It is form with the past simple of to be and the -ing form of the main verb.

was/were +-ing

POSTIVE                                     NEGATIVE                                   QUESTIONS
I   was cleaning                       I   was not/ wasn't cleaning                   Was I cleaning?
You   were cleaning                You were not/weren't cleaning              Were you cleaning?
He/she/it   was cleaning           He/she it   was not / wasn't cleaning      Was he/she/it cleaning?

We   were cleaning                We   were not/ weren't cleaning            Were we cleaning?
You   were cleaning               You   were not/ weren't cleaning           Were you cleaning?
They   were cleaning              They   were not/ weren't cleaning          Were they cleaning?

  • Describing an incompleted action happening in a specific time in the past.
  • Describing an incompleted action that was happening when another one happened.
  • Describing in the past.

Próxima lección: Used to/ Be used to.

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