miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Lección 14: The future continuous.


Wil + be + ing     EJ: I will be watching a film.

AFFIRMATIVE                                      NEGATIVE                               QUESTIONS

I will be watching                          I will not / won't be watching                   Will I be watching?
You will be watching                    You will not / won't be watching               Will you be watching?
He/She/It will be watching            He/She/It will not / won't be watching      Will he/she/it be watching?

We will be watching                     We will not / won't be watching                Will we be watching?
You will be watching                    You will not / won't be watching               Will you be watching?
They will be watching                   They will not / won't be watching              Will they be watching?


  • Hablar de acciones que estarán en progreso en un momento determinado en el futuro. Ej: I will be watching a film this time tomorrow.  Mañana a esta hora estaré viendo una película.
  • Preguntas para planes en el futuro. Ej: Will you be swimming tomorrow morning? Estarás nadando mañana por la mañana?

Next lesson: The future perfect.

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