sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Lección 4: Verbs: The present simple and the present continuous.

The present simple.


POSITIVE                        NEGATIVE                                     QUESTION

I   like                            I  don't like                             Do I like?
You   like                       You  don't like                        Do you like?
He/She/It  likes              He/She/It  doesn't like             Does he/she/it like?

We  like                        We  don't like                          Do we like?
You  like                       You  don't like                         Do you like?
They  like                      They  don't like                        Do they like?


  • Habits and routines.
  • Facts and general truths.
  • Describing permanent situations.
  • Thoughts and feelings.
  • Phrases like : I promise, I agree, etc.
  • In a negative question with why to make a suggestion: Why don't we go out?

The present continuous.


POSITIVE                             NEGATIVE                                   QUESTION

I  am dancing                        I  am not dancing                            Am I dancing?
You  are dancing                  You  are not /aren't dancing             Are you dancing?
He/She/It  is dancing             He/She/It  is not/isn't dancing          Is he/she/it dancing?

We are dancing                    We  are not /aren't dancing              Are we dancing?
You  are dancing                  You  are not /aren't dancing             Are you dancing?
They  are dancing                 They  are not /aren't dancing            Are they dancing?


  • Actions happening now.
  • When you are in the middle of something but not actually doing it at the moment of speaking.
  • Specific plans in the future.
  • Repetitive actions. You're always doing... .
  • Temporary situation.

Próxima lección: Verbs: State verbs and action verbs.